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The Secret Lives of Animated Smiles

We've all been charmed by the expressive faces of Pixar characters. But have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes to bring those smiles and frowns to life?

The truth is, animation magic sometimes involves a little bending of the rules – literally!

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Industry insights
The Secret Lives of Animated Smiles

TheMersive Publication

TheMersive Publication

TheMersive Publication

September 18, 2024
5 minute

How Pixar Makes Characters Talk

We've all been charmed by the expressive faces of Pixar characters. But have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes to bring those smiles and frowns to life?

The truth is, animation magic sometimes involves a little bending of the rules – literally!

Cody Lyon, a Pixar animator, recently shared a fascinating glimpse into the world of 3D character animation. On social media, he revealed how animators sometimes distort character models to achieve the perfect lip sync. These behind-the-scenes images might look a little strange, with characters' faces contorted in ways they never would in real life.

Lyon shared images from the movie Luca, where the characters' faces were contorted in exaggerated ways to create specific mouth shapes for clear dialogue. From extreme grins to wide-mouthed gasps, these distorted expressions would look downright creepy in real life, but for the animators, they're just another tool in the toolb

Imagine trying to make a 3D mouth perfectly match every sound a character utters. It's a complex task, and sometimes a perfectly symmetrical mouth just won't cut it. Animators use their artistic license to subtly stretch, widen, and twist the characters' mouths to match the specific sounds being produced. This way, viewers are treated to a believable conversation without noticing the subtle manipulations behind the scenes.

The key takeaway here is that animation is all about creating an illusion. While the final product on screen appears natural, the process often involves manipulating the characters to achieve the desired effect. This approach might seem strange at first, but it's a testament to the skill and creativity of animators who are constantly pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

The internet, of course, had a field day with Lyon's revelations. Social media users found the distorted character models both hilarious and fascinating. It's a reminder that even in the world of animation, achieving realism often involves a bit of creative trickery.

So next time you watch a Pixar movie, pay close attention to the characters' mouths. You might just catch a glimpse of the hidden animation magic that brings them to life!

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